Edge bids emotional goodbye to supporters in Toronto, says he has played his last SmackDown game there

WWE wrestling superstar Edge bid an emotional goodbye to his fans in Toronto. He said that the SmackDown encounter on Friday was the last in the city. He poured his heart out to the audience after he got the better of Sheamus in the main event of SmackDown. Edge said he doesn’t see himself playing another match Toronto in Canada. Edge was born and raised here. Orangeville was his hometown.
While giving a heartfelt tribute to the crowd, he said that he is uncertain about his future and he will meet up with his family to discuss the current situation and chart out the next plan of action. He also said that his match with Sheamaus was the last one on his contract with WWE. This puts his ties with the wrestling company to an end as well. The Superstar wrestler came back in 2020 at the Royal Rumble. In August 2019 Edge had passed the required medical Tests to play in WWE and played a game in Canada after a long hiatus.
“Toronto, what I can say is this is my last time in front of you all. I don’t think I can make it another forum to get here for another match, I’m just being honest with you.” But don’t let that be a downer. Cuz man, what an experience you all gave me. I will never forget it. And when I’m 84 years old and don’t remember much, you’re damn sure I’m gonna remember this. Thank you,” he said to the crowd after his game against Sheamus.
“I don’t know what the future holds, I really don’t. I’ve got to sit home this week and lick my wounds, talk to my family and see what they want me to do. But what I can say, Toronto, is thank you. Thank you for being the city that I have always been proud to represent, that I’ve always been proud to be announced from. And I came out here in full-on Maple Leafs gear, pandering to all of you,” Edge said on his future plans.